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Caleb Williams is a Diva

Updated: Mar 13

Good. Tom Brady, Cam Newton, Peyton Manning. Antonio Brown, Connor McGregor, freaking Ronaldo (siuuu). You know what else they were? Some of the best to do what they do. Tom Brady loves the spotlight, married a supermodel, created his own health and fitness program because others weren’t good enough. I mean the man went on a retirement tour and then unretired and won a super bowl. I love the man but he’s the definition of a Diva. He’s also the G.O.A.T. Cam Newton went from stealing computers and transferring school, to league MVP. Peyton Manning went from putting his “gluteus maximus, the rectum, the testicles and the area in between the testicles'' on a woman's face during a foot exam, to Superbowl MVP, league MVP, Walter Peyton Man of the Year. Antonio Brown is a certified mad man, he also has three of the most impressive Wide Receiver seasons the NFL has ever seen. Connor McGregor is an absolute DBag who loves the smell of his own stool more than anyone the fight game has ever seen. Ronaldo (SIUUUUU) has been fighting the diva profile his whole career, but check out his 2014 Real Madrid highlights, or play FIFA 14 and tell me he shouldn’t be in the G.O.A.T. conversation. 

We are talking about people who are doing unnatural things with their body’s. Pushing far beyond the expectations we have had for centuries of human anatomy. In order to do something like that you have to be a little crazy. You have to be hyper focused. You have to think you can do something that no one has ever done and win 7 super bowls. You have to think you can break records on the ground when a team gives you Ted Ginn Jr to work with. You have to.. Wait, maybe you don’t need to force your glutes on an innocent PT who is trying to make a living. You have to quit a team because of a helmet issue. You have to attack a poor old man at a bar in your hometown! (wait we are getting away from the point here, let's get back on track) You have to SIUUUUUUUUUUUU. I present all this to tell you, keep those medicals to yourself, Caleb. You're not falling out of the top one, so why should you send them to more than the top 3. The Commanders and Patriots should be thankful to view them. You know what it takes to be a superstar in the NFL? You have to be a Diva! Caleb Williams, please come be my diva.

But hey, I could be wrong. 

-Life Long Bears Fan

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